7 FREE Passing Sessions
Dimensions: 10 x 10 yard square with a cone in the middle. Use 5 cones in total, the area should look like a 5 on a dice. Setup more areas to accommodate more players. Have 4 players per 5 coned areas.
There always needs to be one cone free. Adjust the dimensions depending on the outcome you want. A large area will mean more movement and be more physically demanding. A smaller area will make for quicker thinking and sharper movement.
How To: Each area has one ball, the player with the ball can pass to anyone in their area, once they have played a pass to feet, the person who passed the ball must move to the free cone. The player who now has the ball must look for another pass and then move to the free cone.
Coaching Points: Stress good passing and quick movement; try to stay alert to the changes in space so you can know where you are moving to even before you have played your pass.
7 FREE Passing Sessions
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