How to protect your ball. #futbol #football #soccer #footballshorts #footballskills #footballer

YOUTH FOOTBALLERS….. There are 3️⃣ important things that you can control… ATTITUDE, EFFORT, ENERGY. Your coaches don’t determine this. Your teammates don’t determine this. Your parents don’t determine this. Only YOU can determine your level of effort, attitude, energy!

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👀 VIDEO ✅ How to protect the ball when dribbling in Football ⚽


⚽ Teams don’t learn.
👉 Individuals within the team learn 👈 Development is a personal process even when conducted in a team environment.

You are not robot‼️ ‼️ Especially for YOUTH FOOTBALLERS…. Important to know how to play Football ⚽ Coach will show you, will teach you but most importantly and you should have the willingness to learn, to work hard – smart and to use also your mind / brain ⚽🧠




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