These Cristiano Ronaldo Skills Should be Illegal

Add Some Spice to the Excitement of the World Cup 2010

The entire world is gearing up for the big event-taking place in South Africa in June of this year. The World Cup 2010 will provide the world’s football players with an opportunity to prove finally, who the best is. Athletes from many countries around the globe are preparing for the final chance to show what each has in the upcoming championship games.

Who Are the Favourites For the FIFA World Cup 2010 – Don’t Bet on Brazil Winning the Tournament

Betting On The FIFA World Cup 2010 Whether you are new to the betting game, or a pro when it comes to the ins and outs of betting, there are steps you can take that will make your odds of winning more successful. Betting on the FIFA World Cup is all about investment. There are more then a dozen teams that have the possibility of a high pay out if you enter your bet in place or each-way. Individual player bets on the top scorers is another way to get top-dollar winnings. Decreasing the stakes and making sure you find a valuable player or team to bet on is a must.

Replica Football Shirts – A Potted History

The replica football shirt business is big business in the UK. It was valued at around £210m in 1999 – the most recent figure that I could find. Walk down any street on any day and you will see a plethora of these shiny, synthetic monstrosities, but the truth is that before 1975 there was no market in replica football shirts.

Soccer Passing Drills – Drills to Help Win More Games

The key to these drills and exercises is to sample and test each drill yourself or with your team. There is no “magic bullet” for implementing soccer passing drills that will make your team better.

The Oldest International Stadium in Football – The Racecourse Ground

The Racecourse Ground in Wrexham is the Oldest International Football Stadium in the World and has a unique and interesting history. This is the grounds story from it’s early uses for other sports, through it’s highlights as a football stadium right through to it’s multi purpose use as rugby stadium.

Coaching Soccer Drills – Killer Tips on Shooting

You’ve probably heard it a hundred times that in coaching soccer drills, all tactics, skills, and teamwork taught to the players ultimately lead to a shot on the goal. It takes both skill and instinct to develop the art of good shooting. But there is one more thing that is equally important towards shooting; an aggressive attitude.

What You Should Do to Find the Right Soccer Club For Your Child

In a number of countries soccer is a relatively new sport, and often parents have no knowledge of the local soccer scene or how to choose the right soccer club for their child. Selecting the right environment for your child is paramount to ensure that they enjoy playing soccer and develop, not only as fit and healthy soccer players, but even more importantly that they develop as good people, socially aware, able to deal with success and failure, embrace a team spirit and learn about responsibilities.

What Makes A Complete Striker?

In a gathering of football enthusiast, discussing and debating over football issues; some relevant and some others irrelevant. A few about individual players and others about teams with great exploits, teams that have defiled all odds to achieve extra ordinary success, the debate got hotter, and the tempo was raised, then propped up this topic; “Who is the best striker in Europe”?

2010 World Cup – England Desperately Needs Your Help! Only Together Can We Win the World Cup

England is in the 2010 World Cup, and England desperately needs our support; only together we can bring the cup home! Here is how you can make the difference! Your country really needs you!

The Life and Times of Eusebio

Every great football player and ambassador to his club and country should have their contribution to soccer marked by having a statue erected in their name. Thankfully there is a statue erected outside Benfica’s famous Stadium of Light in Lisbon. The statue is of Eusebio, some say the greatest African born soccer player in the history of the game.

Coaching Soccer Drills – Want to Become a Great Coach

If you are like me, you probably feel the same way that the biggest problem that a coach faces in coaching soccer drills is to decide on the best way of organizing conditioning schedules for its players. The reason I say this is because in the last few years, the fine line between coaching and educating has gradually dissolved.

Capello’s Defensive Problems

In the space of a few weeks, Capello’s rock solid defence was looking anything but solid. Dawson is in the form of his life and must be a serious contender for the England squad.

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