7 Steps To A Great Team Practice

Team practices are often the biggest headache for coaches with young players. We have simplified the process into 7 steps to make it easy for you to organise effective team practices.

A Brief History of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club

Tottenham Hotspur have been around since the late 19th century, albeit under different names initially. They are now the most popular club in North London, and as their fans will tell you; the ONLY actual North London Club.

Spurs Won the FA Cup Three Times in the 1960s

Only one club won the title more than once during the 1960s. Spurs won the title three times in the decade.

3 Tips for Shopping at the Soccer Store

Take the time to buy the right gear for the season at the soccer store. Going to one location where everything is available makes it easier for you to get what you need.

Tough Times Ahead for Manchester United – And Moyes Is to Blame

Everyone is looking for reasons behind David Moyes’ failure to come to grips with managing Manchester United. I believe a very big contribution to his lack of success is due to Moyes letting go of the experienced coaching staff that served for many years under Sir Alex Ferguson and bringing with him his Everton coaching team, plus Phil Neville. Firstly Phil Neville has no coaching experience at all.

Pele Is The Greatest Soccer Player Of All Time

Pele is the King of soccer because he has the best record of achievements. He scored the most goals(1281), won the most World Cups(3) and his record is unequaled by any other player in history.

Simple Yet Effective Soccer Conditioning Skills

Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world today. It’s also a difficult sport to master, and requires you to be extremely fit, both physically and mentally. You could be the most skillful soccer player on your team but it won’t help if you don’t have the speed, endurance and flexibility to apply your skills in a game. The best soccer players spend time working on their cardiovascular fitness, as well as strength training and flexibility to improve their overall performance on the pitch. Following are a few simple yet effective soccer conditioning skills and exercises to help get you started.

Soccer Drills – Are They Really Improving Your Game?

Classifying your soccer training drills into a training framework is a helpful starting point for getting more out of them. Here are a few categorizations and tips to get started.

George Best: He Played for Aston Villa You Know, I Know, I Was There

1985 was a not an easy year for football in Britain. Tragedy would strike at the heart of the game, but from this tragedy would emerge a unique event. George Best would play for Aston Villa.

Learning the Soccer Lingo

As with many sports, there are various words and phrases that are usually only understood by those who participate in the particular activity. Soccer is no exception. If you’re new to soccer, then you could be struggling to understand the different terms or lingo that are a natural part of this great game. Following is an introduction to help get you started.

Improve Your AYSO Soccer Team in Less Than 2 Hours

Soccer practices are usually around 2 hours in duration. This article explains how to see an immediate improvement in your team following a 2 hour practice session. How? Using 3v3 games…

3 Tips to Keep Soccer Referees on Your Side

Advice for soccer coaches on how to keep the referee on ‘your side’. I am an ex semi-professional player, now coach and qualified referee so have a balanced perspective on the subject.

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