World Cup 2014 – The Contenders

Who will win the World Cup? With just under a week to go before Brazil Take on Croatia in the first Game of the 2014 World Cup on home soil the pundits are beginning to refine their predictions of possible winners. According to the bookies it looks like this: Brazil 3/1 Argentina 5/1 Germany 6/1 Spain 13/2. The tournament has been held 19 times but only won by 8 nations so considering former winners seems sensible.

Football Firms

Violence at football matches has a long history in the UK. During the 19th century “roughs” were often reported as causing trouble at games. Their targets were not only opposing fans but also players and officials.

My Predictions for the 2014 World Cup

The 2014 World Cup will be dominated by the South American teams with three Conmebol teams making the semi-finals. There will be many surprises but Brazil will win the trophy because of home advantage.

The FIFA World Cup 2014: A Success or Failure?

It is the wish of every event organizer to come up with a successful one in terms of quality. Brazil was given the mandate to host the Fifa world cup event in all aspects. Expectations are high as fans and players anticipate having a good time during the season.

How Has Football Changed Over The Years?

Football has changed a lot over the years. Despite all issues surrounding the game, football has positioned itself as a true global sport.

Young Football Talent in Germany on the Rise

Football in Germany is becoming more and more known for its young talent. More and more players under 21 are emerging into the talent pool and Germany’s football youth talent keeps growing. So why is the German Football Association seeing such a rise in young talent?

FIFA World Cup – Development Benefits for Hosting Countries

The FIFA World Cup is an international association football competition hosted every four years in different countries of the world. Besides the fact that the citizens of the hosting countries have the opportunity to view all the matches live and support their favorite team without additional accommodation and travel expenses, the World Cup is believed to bring other tremendous advantages as well. First of all, a great influx of visitors is expected to come into the hosting country during the competition boosting the tourism in the cities where matches are held.

Five Important Soccer Terms All Fans Should Know

The history of soccer is a very ancient one. It can be traced back to 1004 B.C. in Japan. But some others are of the opinion that soccer was first played in China during the Han Dynasty in the second century B.C. With time, the game got accepted by Europeans and now even Americans who were so far known to be fond of baseball and other sports have a third of their population following soccer stats with a keen interest.

The Rising Popularity Of Soccer In America

Lionel Messi, David Beckham, Christiano Ronaldo. Ask every American kid between the ages of 10-20 and chances are they would tell you that these are the modern day heroes who have replaced American baseball stars in the popularity index over the past two or three decades. America is a sports loving nation, and till not so very long ago it was believed that baseball is a sport that the country swore by. But recent trends convey a different picture. Let’s take a closer look at why soccer may soon be replacing baseball, as the nation’s favourite sport.

Top Qualities To Look Out For In A Soccer Coach

If you have decided to put your ward in soccer coaching, you must know that you are trusting someone with the future of your child. Coaching for soccer will not only teach him the game, it will equip your child with many life skills that he will find good use for during the rest of his life. It is therefore important to look out for a coach who is in a position to handle this huge responsibility of shaping the physical and mental faculties of young kids. Here are some of the qualities you should watch out for in a good soccer coach.

How to Be a Good Team Player in Regards to Youth Soccer

Youth soccer is a team sport. It is important for children to be aware of factors and skills necessary to be considered a good team player.

Competition in Youth Soccer

This article discusses the benefits and consequences of strong competition in youth soccer today. A competitive spirit can be great, however, it is important that a child realizes the importance of having fun while being competitive.

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