David Moyes on Maintaining Standards in Coaching

10 Ways to Attract Families to Football – It is Another Key to a Full Stadium and Fan Growth

When Atletico de Madrid was relegated to the Spanish second division an advertising campaign was put into place which was dubbed ‘A year in Hell’.  The aim was to ensure that fans do not forsake Atletico in her hour of need and help her go back immediately to the first division.  This did not happen at the end of that season, Atletico had to stay for a second year in the second division.

Getting Thrown Into a Soccer Coaching Position

Many soccer coaches did not start out planning to be a coach. It just sort of happened. Now that you are the coach, you need to learn what you need to know to help your players learn how to play the game correctly. Start from the basics, and building on a solid base of core skills is the best way to build a successful program.

Sampdoria – Fame to Match Their Shirts

Sampdoria are a team that have been around for some time, a well established club they are having an indifferent season currently lying 14th in Serie A (as I write this article). They’ve had a colorful history and have had an array of famous past footballing talent. The likes of Platt, Souness, Brady & Gullit to name a few have all plied their trade in the blue Sampdoria football shirts.

Soccer – Football Tips – The Importance of Motivation and Discipline

Millions and Millions of people all over the world aspire to becoming a Professional Soccer/Footballer, perhaps more then any other sport in the world. Let’s take a close look at the importance of motivation and discipline for an aspiring professional Footballer today.

Soccer Equipment – What Do You REALLY Need?

When your child takes up a new sport, like soccer, it can seem a little overwhelming at first to buy all the necessary equipment. But if you can afford to buy good quality soccer equipment then your investment will pay for itself by withstanding a lot of the rough usage and vigorous activity that goes with soccer without falling apart. So what do they really need?

Goal Posts – What Size to Buy?

The range of sizes for goal posts on offer in the market place often causes confusion when deciding which to buy. Let us shed a bit of light on which size goal posts you should buy.

Small Sided Games and Youth Soccer – Drills Versus Letting the Kids Play

Why would a sex-specific, soccer-specific strength and fitness trainer go off the reservation, so to speak, in order to write about small sided coaching techniques? The debate has been going on for almost fifteen years now and still coaches argue the point. Is it better to run practice with traditional soccer drills or is it better to let the kids play through the use of small sided games? This article will address the effectiveness of the small sided game coaching strategy and offer a perspective based on years of watching, playing, coaching, and training soccer athletes playing The Beautiful Game.

January Transfer Window Winners, Losers, & Best Signing

The past January transfer window saw the most money spent in the history of transfer windows in that month with around £181million spent. We saw big name players move on to new teams like Andrei Arshavin, Robbie Keane, Jermain Defoe, Wilson Palacios, Shay Given, and many more. However now that everything is done and settled, who were the winners and losers of the transfer window?

How to Coach Soccer by Keeping Your Players Engaged

One important point to remember as you learn to coach soccer is that kids learn more by doing than by watching. If you can keep them active during practice, they will learn more, and be able to take what they’ve learned to the game.

Soccer – Specific Strength and Fitness Training – The Myths Regarding Male and Female Players

Sex-specific, soccer-specific strength and fitness training has long been a source of contention among players, coaches and fans, alike. I have been training athletes of all kinds for the last three decades and the benefits in favor of such training are myriad! The evidence is clear, soccer-specific strength and fitness training delivers in a big way.

Jose Mourihno Was Charged For Comments Against Juventus

The Inter de Milan coach Jose Mourihno has been charged by the Italian Football Federation for the comments that he made early this week on a press conference about Juventus after a draw the team had against Roma on Sunday, where a decision of a controversial penalty granted the 3-3 at the end of the game.

Barcelona’s Breakdown

Once upon a time Barcelona was leading La Liga by twelve points and were in scintillating form, many suggesting they were the favorites for the UEFA Champions League as well. What a difference three weeks makes. Barcelona’s lead has now been slashed from a seemingly unconquerable twelve points, to a very vulnerable four points.

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