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Teaching Your Child Soccer

Soccer is a sport that involves kicking a ball through a goal to score a point. It may seem simple by definition but the reality of playing it would say otherwise. Soccer is among the popular choices among various youth sports.

Getting Involved Without Playing

Soccer is a popular sport all over the world. It is always considered to be among the top youth sports being played across the globe. It has spanned countries and is commonly known as football in Europe.

English Football Clubs Suffering Effects of the Weak Pound

The pound’s dramatic slide against the euro means that English football clubs are having to spend up to 30% more than they would have last summer if they are to bring in talent from the continent. Where a player that was valued at €10 million may once have cost English clubs £7 million, the same player would now cost the equivalent of £10 million.

Ivan Gazidis Can Help Steer Arsenal Back on Course

It has been another season of frustration and disappointment for Arsenal fans. The Gunners will finish fourth in the league and crashed out in the semi-finals of both the FA Cup and Champions League. But during another trophy-less season for Arsene Wenger’s team, changes have been occurring behind-the-scenes at the north London club.

Inter Milan Looks to Jose Mourinho For European Success

Just days after securing a fourth consecutive Series A title, Inter Milan announced the extension of manager Jose Mourinho’s contract until 30 June, 2012. The deal was hailed by Inter as being “a sign of attachment and of winning spirit.” Mourinho, 46, has now won the league in three different countries, as well as the Champions League with Porto in 2004.

5 Steps to Beating a Player in Soccer

These are the 5 steps needed to beat a defender in soccer every time! As the player with the ball approaches the defender, he needs to look for the space he wants to exploit.

Manchester United – A Difficult Season Ahead?

There are many reasons why Manchester United are the most successful football team in England – and have been for as long as most people can remember. And especially since the development of the Premier League, the club has entered an era of almost unprecedented success.

Players of Manchester United – Peter Schmeichel

History of Manchester United’s Greatest Goalkeeping talent, Peter Schmeichel. Peter Schmeichel was born on November 18, 1963 in Gladsaxe, Denmark. He retired from playing football in April 2003.

Wigan Football and Rugby Stadiums

Wigan Athletic and Wigan rugby league club have shared the JJB stadium for ten years now. This article briefly summarises their former grounds and club histories and the change in both clubs fortunes since they moved to their new home.

How to Become the Most Dangerous Soccer Player on the Field!

The most dangerous player on the soccer field isn’t always the fastest one, it is the one that can stop the fastest and then explode in a new direction. Knowing how to stop and then quickly go in a new direction is a skill that once learned might make an average player great! Here are three steps a soccer player must learn to accomplish this.

Arsenal Football Club – How Long Can Arsenal Stay in the ‘Big Four’ of the Premier League?

I confess that I have a liking for Arsenal. In fact, of all the so-called ‘Big Four’ they are probably the one team that I wouldn’t mind having to watch every week. They play a lovely, silky game of football and, when they are in full flight, they are probably the nearest thing we have in this country to a team that can match Barcelona.

Soccer-Specific, Sex-Specific Strength & Fitness Training Program – Diet & Nutrition Part II

The key to an effective soccer-specific, sex-specific strength and fitness program is planning. A well constructed training regimen will yield greater results in a shorter period of time. Additionally, a well planned and well-thought out program will make it easier to track progress throughout the season. As noted in the previous article on this topic, soccer-specific strength and fitness training is quite a bit different from training programs for other sports and/or activities. It is widely known that the average soccer athlete may run several miles during the course of a match; and, goalkeepers being the exception, of course.

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