SoccerCoachTV – Try this FUN Relay Game using a Soccer Ball, Tennis Ball and Football.

2010 FIFA World Cup – South Africa Calling!

With the World Cup Qualifiers on, there’s no turning back! Forget about any talk of a Plan B.

Guts and Glory – The 2009 Confederations Cup Has it All!

Call it a dress rehearsal for the 2010 World Cup or a recce for national teams, either way it sure has thrown up some dazzling soccer, and its fair share of upsets! Into its eighth edition, the Confederations Cup is sometimes not clearly understood? What exactly is it? How and when did it start? And what are the stakes? Let’s find out…

Manchester United’s UEFA Champions League Triumphs

Manchester United FC, also known as Man United or MUFC, is considered the biggest soccer club in England and one of the biggest soccer clubs in Europe. Nicknamed the Red Devils, MUFC has won the UEFA Champions League three times throughout its illustrious history. Here are brief histories of Man United’s UEFA Champions League (UCL) triumphs.

Barcelona’s UEFA Champions League Triumphs

FC Barcelona is one of the biggest soccer clubs in Europe. Throughout its illustrious history, Barcelona has won the UEFA Champion League, the most prestigious soccer competition in Europe, three times. Here are brief histories of Barcelona’s Champions League triumphs.

The Road to Becoming the Best Soccer Player

One of the biggest traits that a person needs to have or develop to be successful in soccer is motivation and discipline. Actually, this applies to just about anything that you choose to do.

Plyometrics and Soccer

Many athletes work very hard to perform to their full potential, but never achieve their dreams. Most times after trying every program they find and work hard with little or no improvement, they give up thinking they reached their top ability. And most of the time that’s not the case. Its because they didn’t train the proper way, using the correct methods.

Use of Soccer Shooting Drills

Shooting is the glamour skill of soccer and every player should be an excellent shooter, but there are many elements to shooting that can be broken down into individual skills that must be mastered before moving on to more complex drills. Soccer is a game of individual skills that is then integrated into a team strategy. Coaches have to be the providers of the strategy, but it should be up to each individual player to master his or her skills.

Off-Season Soccer – Specific Strength and Fitness Training Part III – Hydration

As we continue with the off-season soccer-specific strength and fitness training program, we will now cover hydration. Hydration is as important, if not more important than, diet and nutrition. Hydration includes not just what to drink and how much, it also deals with water intoxication, hyponatremia, and what not to drink. Peak performance is not only determined by what and how much an athlete takes it, it also has to do with when certain fluids, particularly water, are taken in. While physiological issues, benefits and consequences are covered, the main purpose of this article is to introduce the reader to the importance of and implementation of a proper hydration strategy.

How to Control a Soccer Ball in 5 Easy Steps

Often referred to as “First Touch,” controlling a soccer ball is the most important skill to master if you want to progress in the game. This article outlines how to control a soccer ball in 5 easy steps so that you take your game to the next level.

The Keys For Successful Youth Soccer Practice Plans

Soccer, like many other sports, has a direct correlation between how you practice, and how you play in the game. Youth soccer is even more dramatic because the players are at such drastic differences in level. Soccer however, is popular because of how easy the game is to learn, and young players have gravitated to the excitement of the game. New coaches not familiar with the game may struggle with how to coach, and get frustrated trying to get their young team to improve game over game, that is unless they have a practice plan.

Focus Your Youth Soccer Team on Defense to Create More Offense and Score More Goals

In soccer, a good defense will lead to a good offense. Once a player loses possession, the ability to attack the ball, and aggressively get the ball back will determine the outcome of the game. This is especially true in the younger ages where you find kids scared of the ball, and not going after the ball as aggressively as needed. These defensive drills will help your team focus on defensive structure and positioning, but also offensive transition and attacking the ball upon losing possession.

The Best Way to Learn Soccer Skills

If you want to learn soccer skills, you will best be served through one-on-one training on each specific skill. Many coaches spend much of the practice time on conditioning and group drills, however individual soccer skills must be learned before group drilling can be effective. It is up to the individual player to increase his or her soccer skills.

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