SoccerCoachTV Summer Tour – Day One. July 11th, 2021.

World Soccer

The FIFA 2010 World Cup is now truly up and running. With the 2010 World Cup group draw having been made on December 4th, people can now focus on the first Football WorldCup to be hosted on the African Continent and World Cup South Africa looks like it is going to be another corker. With eight seeded teams in eight groups the South African 2010 cup draw has once again left some seeded countries happy and other countries less so.

Power and Precision – German Psyche and Its Influence on Soccer

After more than a century of development, soccer has become truly the global sport. Despite its uniform rules and objective, countries around the world exemplify many different styles of the sport, and indeed value different aspects of the game as most important, which greatly influences their country’s unique style of play. In many cases, it is argued that societies’ own values, culture, history, and structure have a major impact on the development of their style of play.

Youth Soccer Power – Three Insights to End the Year

Over the past year there have been a few different themes I have written about. Here are my choices of the three most important things you need to be aware of for youth soccer strength and conditioning.

Football Manager Profile – Arsene Wenger

There can be few football club managers anywhere in the world who are as identified with their team and their style of play as Arsenal’s Arsene Wenger. In a profession in which staying in a post for more than two years should qualify you for a testimonial match, the urbane Frenchman has now been at Arsenal for nearly 13 years. In any other country – that is one with no Sir Alex Ferguson in it – he would be by far the longest-serving manager.

Three Ways Fans Can Ensure US Victory at World Cup 2010

It is commonly understood that US soccer is “behind the curve” when it comes to competitiveness on a global stage. For some reason kids in America play AYSO soccer up to middle school and then transition into other sports. When kids throughout much of the world are playing futbol, kids in the USA play football.

Is Torres Liverpool’s Greatest Ever Striker?

Fernando Torres was Liverpool’s 20m pounds signing in 2007, and has since become a club legend in a little over two years. During his first season Fernando scored 33 goals in 46 appearances (many of them as a substitute) which is a fantastic record.

3 Tips to Land World Cup Tickets

Supposedly 1 million have applied for World Cup tickets; this is just the beginning. These 1 million people are “Johnny on the spot”, eager beavers, over achievers. What about the rest of us who didn’t have time to get tickets when everyone else did? You may not be rolling the dough, especially in this economy, so what should someone like the average Joe do?

Footballer Profile – Gareth Barry

Amongst all the exotic names of strikers linked with Manchester City over the past few months, one of Mark Hughes’ most astute pieces of transfer business might actually turn out to be Gareth Barry – a player some fans still mistakenly think of as a ‘journeyman’ footballer. In fact, Gareth Barry could well fall into that category of players that supporters don’t fully appreciate until he suddenly isn’t playing; someone who simply gets on with the important business in midfield and chips in with the occasional goal or two.

Soccer Shirts Are New Collectors Items

In the old days people used to collect stamps, toy cars, autographs etc. but now soccer jerseys are becoming a favourite with many as collectors items. Soccer jerseys are one of the most sold sportswear items in the world but with the growing availability of different team and nationality shirts available they are becoming something that soccer fans want to collect and accumulate.

The 2010 World Cup Group of Death

The draw for the world cup has been made and it’s looking good for England. They’ve been drawn in what’s considered an easy group so hopefully it will be an easy route through to the knockout stages. England may have an easy group, but the 5 time world cup winners Brazil don’t have such an easy ride. Brazil are drawn in group G with Portugal, Ivory Coast and North Korea.

How Can Liverpool FC Turn Their Fortunes Around?

Last season (2008-2009) Liverpool Football Club were unstoppable. They were four points off winning their first league title for nearly 20 years (many pundits agree that they were the best team in the league and were unlucky to lose out to Man Utd) and had a great run in the Champions League competition, hammering Real Madrid along the way.

Is Barcelona the Greatest Football Team of This Generation?

The short answer is ‘yes’. They are undoubtedly the greatest team that I have ever had the pleasure of viewing (as someone who is in his mid 20’s).

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